Regarding the dissemination of Law on Anti-Corruption to leaders, lecturers and students at Puthisastra University on 04 May 2012, H.E. Nuon Bophal, Vice-President of the ACU also mentioned the general situation and aspect of Law on Anti-Corruption and highlighted ..Read more..
On 03 May 2012, at the meeting hall of IIC university, H. E. Nuon Bophal, Vice-President of the Anti-Corruption Unit disseminated the general situation and Law on Anti-Corruption to leaders, lecturers and students of IIC University approximately 400 students. ..Read more..
Announcement : Please kindly be informed that if anyone wishes to file a complaint or provide corruption related information, he/she can lodge a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Unit ..Read more..
H.E. SEAN Borath, Advisor to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Vice-President of the Anti-Corruption Unit delivered a speech during a workshop on dissemination on Law on the Anti-Corruption at National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia on 30 March 2012 ..Read more..
On 23 March 2012, at Preah Kosamak Polytechnic Institute, a meeting was held on the dissemination of the Anti-Corruption Law and Law on the amendment of Anti-Corruption Law under the presidency of H.E Nuon Bophal, ..Read more..
The Anti-Corruption Unit together with the Center for Banking Studies jointly organized the dissemination of the Anti-Corruption Law (ACL) and the Law on the Amendment of ACL. This dissemination aims to promote the enforcement of ACL in order to ensure the effectiveness and raise the awareness of this law among ..Read more..
The Workshop on the dissemination of Anti-Corruption Law and Law on the amendment of Anti-Corruption Law was held at the National Technical Training Institute on 16 March, 2012, organized by the Anti-Corruption Unit. ..Read more..
The Anti-Corruption Unit would like to announce to the public that the accused, person Lim Kumpheak, sex:male, Khmer nationality, age 48, occupation: clerk has been accused by the Court of First Instance on accomplice for bribe taking at the Kandal Provincial Court of First Instance who has conspired to commit the offence with ..Read more..
The Anti-Corruption Unit announces that Mr. Pich Kong You, Sex:male, Khmer nationality, age:43, who is the owner of Reatry Richreay Restaurant, was accused of Kidnapping and Illegal detention with his companions, Mr. Tob Chan Serey Voth, the former prosecutor at the Court of First Instanceof Pur Sat Province, ..Read more..
Subject: Request for the intervention for not using the name of the Anti-Corruption Unit as the name of a news agency.
A stated in the above subject, and based on the information I have obtained, Mr. Ros Sokhin has an intention to name his news agency scheduled to be published soon, which may cause confusion that it is the news agency of the Anti-Corruption Unit. ..Read more..
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