25 Cambodian Officials to attend training in People’s Republic of China ..Read more..
Appreciation letter of Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (ONACC) of Thailand to HE Om Yentieng, President of the Anti-corruption Unit ..Read more..
His Excellency Dr. Om Yentieng received a Courtesy Call from Mr. John Sapinoso, Legal Attaché of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to Cambodia ..Read more..
UNODC Sends an appreciation letter to ACU ..Read more..
Letter of appreciation of Corruption Investigation Bureau (CPIB) of Singapore to HE Om Yentieng, President of the Anti-corruption Unit ..Read more..
Condolence message for the death of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew , the first Prime Minister of Singapore ..Read more..
Announcement on the 50th Session of National Council Against Corruption (Tuesday 24th February, 2015) ..Read more..
Announcement on the 49th Session of National Council Against Corruption ..Read more..
Announcement on the 48th Session of National Council Against Corruption ..Read more..
Announcement on the 47th Session of National Council Against Corruption (Tuesday 25th November, 2014) ..Read more..
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