Article 50: Extradition Provisions
Provisions of Chapter 2, content 1, part/section 9 of Penal Procedure Code shall be applicable in terms of the extradition of the case related to corruption offenses.
Article 51: Mutual Legal Assistance
In the case of corruption offences, the court authority of the Kingdom of Cambodia may delegate power to competent court authority of any foreign state and may also obtain power from court authority of any foreign state, in order to:
1. Collect evidence/proof or answer/response through court means.
2. Inform about documents of the court.
3. Search, arrest and confiscate.
4. Examine objects and crime scene.
5. Provide information and exhibit.
6. Issue original process-verbal or its authentic copies and dossier, including bank statement, accounting transactions, records of concerned institution, records of concerned company and trade records, as well as authentic and private documents;
7. Identify or provide expert witnesses and others, including detainees who agree to assist in the investigation or participate in the legal proceedings.
8. Identify or seek resources, property, equipment, and materials that derive from offence and offence means.
9. Place under temporary holding the products and properties obtained from corruption offences as well as equipment, materials being used or kept for committing offences.
10. Enforce the decision of confiscation, seizure or repatriation of products, properties, equipment, material derived from offence.
11. Order to confiscate all objects as stated above.
12. Inform about the criminal charge.
13. Interrogate the accused based on criminal procedure.
14. Find out and identify witnesses and suspects.
Article 52: Cambodians holding more than one nationality
Anti-Corruption Institution and competent authorities concerned have obligation to seek international cooperation and mutual legal assistance in terms of the property ' s status of Cambodians holding more than one nationality.
Article 53: Mutual Legal Assistance Procedure
Procedures for Implementing mutual legal assistance shall be in agreement with the principles stated in treaties or bilateral and multi-lateral agreement, and national law in force.